Monday, March 7, 2016

Clash of Clans review

Clash of Clans is an android and iOS MMO strategy based game released in 2012. The game is fairly easy. At the beginning. You start with 500 gems and a town hall. They give you a mini and useful tutorial and then your on your own. For each time that you upgrade your town hall, you get new items and upgrade options. Now upgrading and getting new items are important as people will try to attack your base for loot and/or trophies. So upgrading your cannon, archer tower, wizard tower, etc are very important. And to upgrade, you must make builder huts. Each builder hut cost 500 gems, so saving your gems are important. You can also attack others by using your troops. There are a wide variety of troops to use such as Barbarian, Archers, Wizards, and more. You can also use spells in the battle to make life a bit easier. You can upgrade troops and spells in the lab to make them stronger. Now the higher the town hall, the harder it gets. So rushing into upgrading your town hall with only half of your defenses and troops upgraded is a bad idea. You can also join clans to join clan wars, get extra loot and talk to your fellow CoC friends. There are many clans to choice or you can make your own. There are also clan tournaments where clans can fight to be the top 3 clans to get free gems! There is also a Single Player campaign where you can complete them to get some loot. There pretty easy. Now there are some problems. The biggest one being that CoC is a money grabbing game. Once you get to TH9 many problems start: Upgrades take an extremely long time, upgrades cost a lot of Elixir or Gold and IF you rush into upgrading your town hall without upgrading everything, your base will always be destroyed, which results in you losing ALOT of money. Now many people (Especially large clans) buy a TON of gems to avoid this problem. I’m not saying that it’s impossible to get to TH11 without gems, but it will take a LONG time. Now if you decided to max out EVERYTHING in CoC from TH1 to TH11 with gems, it will cost you: $11,038.86 to max out EVERYTHING. That is A LOT of money on a mobile game. To max out a TH9 base it will cost you already over a thousand bucks worth of gems. That is really the other issue that I have with the game. But otherwise it is a very fun and hard game to play. It is extremely addicting but if you like real-time RPG’s you will love Clash of Clans. My rating for CoC will be a 6/10. It's a fun game but if your not thinking about spending money, it will make you rage a bit. Thank you for reading and follow me on twitter if you want to know when my next review will be posted:

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