Wednesday, September 6, 2017

An update on "RPG Money 1"

So for about a year now I started working on a game that I called RPG Money 1. The game was based on my comic series and would be an open world game where you must take down the Raiders and avoid them from causing havoc in the world. But around June-July, I noticed that what I had planned just wasn't good enough. And what I mean by that is the game concept was great, but the story wasn't fitting with the art design and gameplay I had. I was also working on this game using RPG Maker and Gamemaker Studio 2 at the time so it made everything I had to make 100x harder so I scrapped the entire idea and started thinking of a new one. In July I finally thought of the new game which I'm currently calling "Garden" and it's going way better than the first game I was working on. I'm using the Unity Engine to create this game, but I haven't started the game itself yet, I've been doing a TON of research and probably won't start the game itself till December or Early next year.

The game concept design that I've put my mind on is Isometric gameplay design. My goal is too make most of the sprites in 3D so that at certain parts of the game, you can go from a 2.5D view to a 3D for certain gameplay. When your running around you can rotate the camera to view other sides to places or I might make an automatic camera shift when you get to certain parts so that you can see the other parts of the area and buildings. Once I have a finished concept put together on Unity I'll show it.

For the battle mode it's gonna be a tile based battle mode. When you click to enter battle mode instead of moving freely, you'll move in from tile to tile while attacking. If you hit an enemy outside of the battle mode, it'll automatically start battle mode and you'll get some kind of first hit perk. And like Paper Mario, if they see you they'll chase you till you hide or get far apart.

Honestly, I won't have anything else to talk about till I finish all of my research for this game, this is a whole different game so none of the characters and other things that was in RPG Money 1 won't be in Garden, it isn't part of the Novianverse.  

I will keep posting character designs (Grace's design is done already), but the environmental stuff take longer since I'm not to good at drawing that kind of stuff. I'm also working alot so some days I won't post anything because of that. Still in 7 months I will have some kind of prototype to play or trailer to show. Ok bye.

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