It has taken a lot of time to create the lore and story for all of the current upcoming comics and games I plan to release in the future, but it is finally done!! I have have created 3 universes: The Novianverse, Wolfverse and the Novaverse. Now you're probably thinking: What are these 3 universes? Why 3? Well let me explain each universe:
- Wolfverse: This universe is only events taken place in the Solar System (Orion's Arm). It’s called the Wolfverse since The Wolf-Pack starts this universe. Pretty much if it ONLY takes place on Earth it’ll be in this universe. This is the smallest universe though since not a lot of stuff happens on Earth. RPG Money 1 and The Vanity is part of this universe as well.
- Novaverse: The same with the Wolfverse, only events taken place in the Solar System (Draco Novan) will be in this universe. It’s called the Novaverse since Planet Nova (Biggest planet known to mankind) is located there. This is the 2nd largest universe since many of the characters end up living in Planet Nova. The new world and Overtaken is part of this universe as well.
- Novianverse: This universe is for events taken place in both The Wolf and Novaverse! If it’s affecting both universes it will be part of the Novianverse. This is the largest and most important universe. MANY comics and games will be added to this such as Story of Default and The Adventures of Spaceboy.
RPG Money 1 and Nova Vice (Upcoming game and comic) will be part of the Novianverse as the events in the comic book will affect the game and no one in the game will ever know! I am still working on the timeline (Almost done) so I’ll discuss that another time.
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