Call of Duty has been around for over 10 years. Every year CoD has grown in graphics, gameplay, multiplayer and story. But it's seems like now many people are starting to slowly hate Call of Duty. Why? Well it's pretty simple: Its too repetitive. The story in Call of Duty AFTER black ops 2 is horrible. Ghost was just terrible, Advanced warfare was EXTREMELY easy, and BO3 also has a terrible and confusing story. The mutiplayer in CoD barely changes. Every once in a while they add new content, but it's the same, except for new weapons, maps and game play. Now, I know some people is gonna hate for this, but Battlefield has changed in A LOT of things. For one, you can destroy towers. Thats freaking amazing. You can have up too 128 people in a map, there are VEHICLES. Not as a perk either. And yes, it is a lot harder, but it's also fun. CoD is sticking to one format. Kinda like mobile games and that's not a good thing. They need to completely remake and create a better and bigger multiplayer. CoD also needs to also make a better campaign. Just because people say they like multiplayer, it doesn't give you the rights to create a terrible campaign. Advanced Warfare was OK, but Ghost was bad. I really did enjoy the space mission, but it went by so fast...and then the cancer started. So I do hope that Sledgehammer decides to recycle the old crappy campaign and multiplater and just...make it different. Like a HUGE difference. Thanks for reading.
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I agree completely