I wanna talk about 2 games today. 2 mobile games: Clash Royale and Angry Birds 2. Let me start on Clash Royale. Clash Royale is a very, very, VERY unbalanced game. The game starts you off with a pretty good tutorial learning the technique on how to play the game. Then you get into the multiplayer. Now the VERY first thing that I notice about this game is the TIME TO OPEN A CHEST!!! WHY DOES IT TAKE 3 HOURS TO OPEN A SILVER CHEST?? That is stupid. Just so, so stupid. Second, the cards are COMPLETELY random. I've seen level 1 players with Pekkas and Princes. Why is everything so unfair and unbalanced? You can easily get all Max level cards just by buying a ton of gems and using them to buy cards. The game is more unbalanced than Clash of Clans. Angry Birds 2 is different. The game is becoming EXTREMELY hard. Not the campaign levels, but the DAILY CHALLENGES and the "Multiplayer Arena" has became hard to beat. Daily Challenges are extremely hard. There are 3 parts, the last being a boss battle. The first part is easy. NOW the 2nd goes from 3 to 5 puzzles. And there HARD to beat! I spent ALL of my gems to get the last one, and I was so close...but I also notice that the SMALL pigs are a lot harder to kill now and the Pig powers are pretty annoying. Mainly the pig that can destroy your bird BEFORE they even get near any pig. And then if you lose ONE part, it sends you too the BEGINNING!! WTF! AND the arena barely has "real" players. Most are bots and of course, it is UNBALANCED. When you search for an challenger it is very random. You could have only 2 level 3 birds and you could get a person who has 4 level 3's and even a golden bird! And once you search, you can't go back. You cant change your Challenger...so you will know if your gonna lose or win. Its dumb. But the campaign levels are fairly designed to make it possible to win. Not lose. And with the latest update I did notice that you get LESS feathers (mainly 20-24 feathers). And why do you only get 3 gems from the free chest? How is that fair? The only way to really get gems are to compete in the arena and be in 3rd, 2nd or 1st to get the big prize. And you can save up, but power ups are also very expensive, so you might end up just spending real money to get gems. So sad. That is all I got to say. Thanks for reading!
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